As a special Halloween treat here is a collection of spooky tales and mysteries from our part of South East London.

Thanks to the for the information.
Haunted Underground Stations

Kennington Underground Station
Slamming Doors on the Kennington Loop
Now that the Northern Line extension has opened the Kennington Loop is no longer required, however up until this year, this part of the track was used to Turn trains around to begin the return journey. All passengers were required to disembark at Kennington and the carriages are checked just prior to trains turning in the loop. However, as the train drivers sit waiting in the dark loop tunnel, at least two have reported hearing the connecting carriage doors open and close as if someone is moving from the rear of the train towards the driving compartment.
Crying in Braganza Street
In 1984, at approx 3am, two employees at the station, while smoking outside and sitting on a wall, heard a woman sobbing no further than three or four yards (2.7 – 3.6 metres) away, although no one was visible. As the crying moved away, one of the workers followed the sound, which travelled down the road and into a side street behind the station, where it ceased.
Vauxhall Underground Station
The Tall Man
Reported in the 1960’s this seven foot tall man was seen underground several times by diggers working on the line – he wore brown overalls and a cap.
Stockwell Underground Station
The Man with the Lamp
In 1984 a trainee manager sent to walk the line by himself as part of his training encountered an old man with a tilly lamp working at South Island Place. They exchanged a couple of words in passing. When the trainee reached Stockwell Station and commented that he had seen someone else along the line, a search party was dispatched to find the worker as no maintenance work was scheduled. No one could be found, and the trainee later discovered that the old man had been seen dozens of times over the years. The ghost was believed to be that of a worker killed on the spot during the 1950s.
Elephant & Castle Underground Station
Phantom Footsteps
Haunted by phantom footsteps, knockings, tapings and doors which open of their own accord – on investigation, no source can be found. Another story says the last train of the night is haunted by a lone girl who walks from the last carriage to the tip of the train, vanishing as she reaches the engine.
Imperial War Museum
The Insane
The site of the second Bethlem Royal Hospital, the site was used by the Woman’s Auxiliary Air Force during the Second World War. Staff based there reported hearing ranting and screaming at night, and the sound of chains being rattled. Some believed it was the ghost of Rebecca Griffiths, who moved with the hospital when it relocated from its original location. More recently, a security guard reported hearing shouting and screaming on the site.
More here The Haunting of Bedlam
St Thomas’s Hospital
Women in Boots
A nurse dressed in late nineteenth century garb has been seen walking down the corridors of the hospital, sometimes placing her hand on patient’s shoulders to reassure them. When not seen, she is heard – pacing loudly down echoing walkways.
The Grey Nurse
A ghostly nurse dressed in grey, reluctant to leave her job, has been mistaken for a real person – until she vanishes into thin air. Other stories say that the nurse’s legs abruptly end at the knees. Although her facial details are perfect and of utmost clarity, no one has been able to place or identify her. Some tales report that patients who spot this phantom woman died soon after, a theme repeated in a few other hospitals in the UK.
Lambeth Palace
Anne Boleyn
Carried in a Thames barge crewed by faded grey figures, the shade of Boleyn is taken to the Tower of London where she met her maker. The palace itself sometimes echoes with Anne’s voice, pleading and crying for her life to be saved.
Old Vic Theatre
Bloodied Hands
This ghostly woman has appeared several times, always clasping her bloodstained hands. Some believe that she was an actress, and that the blood is fake – used for a stage production of a Shakespearian play. More at the Old Vic website
The Angel of the Thames

At least four people have reported seeing an angel hovering over the River Thames in 2006. Some people say the sightings date back to 1666, the Great Fire of London, while other recent sightings have occurred around war time. Others have called the sightings a hoax, naming people behind a charity event as being responsible for the ‘sightings’.
More here &
Don’t have nightmares
As Scooby Doo has taught us – There is NO SUCH THING AS GHOSTS.
Further Reading

Haunted Lambeth is a collection of real-life stories of apparitions and poltergeists from all across the London Borough of Lambeth. Included are the ghost stories of Lambeth Palace, the terrifying tradition of the ‘Tomb of the Tradescants’, a ghost at The Old Vic Theatre, the dream house that haunted the entertainer Roy Hudd, supernatural echoes of Waterloo’s Necropolis Railway, the ghosts of Ruth Ellis and others at Streatham’s Caesar’s Nightclub. These stories have been collected and researched over many years, and come from a variety of sources including original newspaper articles, books and, as often as possible, personal communication with people directly involved.
Thanks to the for the information.
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