It’s May 1967 & Adam West in full Batman costume was in Kennington to film a Road Safety film. The film was made during a break at the end of Season 2 of the hit TV Series.

The film and photoshoot took place on Denny St in Kennington on 12th May 1967, in London.
“I’m taking a break from crime-fighting in Gotham City
No rest from danger, though, because all around us is that deadly, daily danger: TRAFFIC”

“I admire the way all you British children triumph over this danger by learning and using the road safety code.” Like Kerb Drill ……….
…Remember, Be Smart, be safe, Always Know your KERB Drill
…and now…the actual advert itself…
The objective of the video is to teach kids how to look both ways before crossing the street, otherwise known as the “Kerb Drill.”